Thursday, April 01, 2010


Library open on Easter

This is the first year that I've worked where the library is open on Easter. These include all the libraries I have worked at (academic, public and school). I think it's a mistake, but no one seemed to notice until this week. UW-Platteville's library is open on Sunday, from 6 p.m. until midnight. Now my little IML on the campus is also open from 6 p.m. - 10 p.m.

I believe in a separation of church and state but I'm wondering how many people will want to come to the library on Sunday night. What makes it all the more strange is that although the campus is open on Monday, it is officially a spring break day and so no classes. Since the dorms close for this long weekend (we must take a furlough day on Friday so the entire campus is closed as directed by the governor) I wonder who will be around to even come to the library on Sunday night being that the dorms are not open yet. I feel bad for the students who are required to work and have to cut their vacations short. They don't make that much to begin with. I wonder where they will be staying that night?

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