Saturday, August 13, 2005



I watched the movie, JFK, directed by Oliver Stone tonight. I had previously seen a documentary saying that there had to be more than 3 bullets, and more than one position of the shooters. It hinted of a conspiracy. I thought Stone did a brilliant job of convincing me that the Warren Report was false, and pointing out all the carelessness of the president's visit and aftermath. I now believe thåt there was a conspiracy against the president, and peace lovers in general. Having lived in the East Falls section of Philadelphia, about a mile from Senator Arlene Spector's house, I was shocked to learn that he was the prosecutor at the time for the Warren Commission. That he participated in this cover up. This certainly lowers my estimation of the man.

What I kept thinking about while watching the movie is how the Bush Administration reminds me so much of these man who killed Kennedy. The movie implied that war was essential for keeping power and feeding money to illicit purposes. The amount of money that has been lost during the war is out- ragerous. Billions upon billions have been lost by Halliburton - and the connection to this administration is obvious there - and the company admits it can not account for this. Yet the government continues to award contracts to Halliburton, often without other outside bids. Just recently a new Guantanamo Prison has been awarded. I can't remember the exact amount the company received but I believe it may be about half a billion dollars. I know that is not something I want.

Another feature pointed out in the film was the need for secrecy by these high officials, so that even a district attoney could not obtain the documents. This administration is doing the same in classifying documents as top secret even when they reveal little. I read an article about this in the Wall Street Journal last year and an example they gave was how an announcement for an office party was labled as secret information. The also mentioned how documents they were used to requesting under the Freedom of Information Act where now being denied as being essential for the nations security. Now we have the Patriot Act which I feel allows the governement too much control. And now I feel more worried about treason and conspiracies than I do about terrorists. I really do believe I will receive more harm from my own government than I will from terrorists.

Why is it that Republicans have ceased being free-thinkers any more? I've long suspected that this administration must be very good at collecting dirt on others. This element was also depicted in the film where the former priest confussed to taking part in the conspiracy because they are incriminating evidence against him. Why else would Republicans become so robot like. Republican senators were saying that Bolton was the poster child of who should not be a diplomat and yet would also vote for his nomintation. Now does that make any sense. When Bill Frist said he was for stem cell research, then immediately people withdrew speaking engagements and money. Whatever happened for politicians that were not for sale? This is the higher ground I would like to see for our country. Honesty and courage. If we really promoted those two elements in society than the world would be a better place. If only the human race had the inability to lie. What we need is a president who doesn't lie. George Bush has demonstated, time and time again, that he is very good at lying. I knew there was no weapons in Iraq because generals at the Pentagon, and people in the intelligience community were say this - yes even before we invaded Iraq. The President kept linking Hussain to 9/11. Hussain doesn't even like Osama Bin Laden and had no connection to 9/11 . The administration did such a good job of snow-balling the nation that I was talking with a Republican last week who still said we had to invade Iraq to protect ourselves from terrorists. The 9/11 Comminisstion can investigate and say there is no link, journalists can say it, Michael Moore can say it, but people still believe this president even though he has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. The President lied about his National Guard service and then smeared the journalist who reported it as well as the other candidate who actually went to war and served his country admirably. And there are still those who believe that Bush served his country better than Kerry did even though you can find military men and women who say Bush often did not report for duty and Vietnamese who say they say Kerry fighting in Vietnam. I'll have to check and see if someone wrote a book on the Lies of George W. Bush because I am certain with only a slight amount of investigation one could find enough to write a book about. And this is the man who half the country believes is so righteous. Let's start first with the truth.

Sorry about the spelling mistakes but when I write on a Mac I don't check to use the spell check option and I'm now too tired to double check my spelling.

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